Testing center

Gadzhimetov Gadzhimet Isamedinovich
Head of the Testing Center of JSC "VNIKTI"
Since 1993, a testing center for traction rolling stock and track machines was created on the basis of the institute. Since 2007, the testing center has been renamed into the Rolling Stock Test Center of the open joint-stock company “Scientific Research and Design and Technological Institute of Rolling Stock” (IC PS OJSC “VNIKTI”).
In March 2015, the IC PS JSC "VNIKTI" received an accreditation certificate from the Federal Accreditation Service, was included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union and received the right to conduct a wide range of tests of rolling stock and its components for assessing their compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union - TR CU 001/2011 “On the safety of railway rolling stock”, TR CU 002/2011 “On the safety of high-speed railway transport” and other regulatory documents.
The scope of accreditation of the IC PS of JSC "VNIKTI" includes:
- mainline diesel locomotives, shunting and industrial diesel locomotives, narrow gauge diesel locomotives, diesel trains, passenger railcars and rail buses, about 20 types of track machines, track measuring instruments and flaw detectors, traction modules, railway jib cranes, freight cars;
- critical components and systems of traction, including motor-car rolling stock and special rolling stock, jib cranes on railway tracks. These include: diesel engines of diesel locomotives, diesel trains and track machines; traction engines, traction units and traction generators; power and auxiliary converters, auxiliary electrical machines, traction electrical devices, hydraulic transmissions for diesel locomotives and track machines, compressor units, all components of the undercarriage and traction drive, auxiliary unit drives, cooling devices, heat exchangers, fan units and their drives, instruments and means automatics, windshield wipers, sound signaling devices, diesel crankshafts.

The list of tests of railway rolling stock objects carried out by the Research Center of PS JSC "VNIKTI" includes such types of tests as strength, impact on the track, dynamic, vibroacoustic, traction-energy and thermal, braking, environmental, operational and many others. The testing center conducts field running tests on the Golutvin - Ozery branch of the Moscow Railway adjacent to the institute, where there are specially prepared straight sections of track, curves with a radius of 300, 600 and 1000 m, tracks of various designs with reinforced concrete and wooden sleepers and turnouts. To conduct running tests for strength, dynamic and traction-energy tests, there are three laboratory cars, which are equipped with modern equipment for automatic recording and data processing.
Platform scales allow for wheel-by-wheel weighing of rolling stock objects. The testing center has a wide range of testing equipment and modern measuring instruments for testing various types of products in accordance with the scope of accreditation, in particular: a number of unique bench installations for conducting strength and fatigue tests; specialized equipment for conducting vibration strength and climatic tests; equipment for monitoring ergonomics, occupational safety, fire, electrical and environmental safety, electromagnetic compatibility; modern measuring and computing systems, instruments for measuring pressure, force, temperature, time, electromagnetic and geometric parameters.