
The division is a scientific and methodological center for standardization, part of the structure of the standardization service of JSC Russian Railways, the main functions of which are:

  • carrying out work on standardization, including scientific and methodological support for the functioning of the corporate standardization system of JSC Russian Railways;
  • providing scientific substantiation and assessment of the compliance of draft standardization documents developed by order of JSC Russian Railways with the latest achievements of science and technological progress, the requirements of international standards, and progressive national standards of other countries;
  • development and updating of standardization documents in the assigned area of activity;
  • conducting comprehensive examinations of draft standards;
  • participation in the audit of subjects of the standardization service on the railways, in other functional branches and structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways;
  • participation in the functioning of the national Technical Committee for Standardization No. 045 “Railway Transport” as its members;
  • participation in the preparation of materials for meetings, seminars and conferences on standardization issues at JSC Russian Railways.

Technical committees for standardization

JSC “VNIKTI” is a full member of:

Subcommittees of TK045 “Railway transport”

On the basis of JSC “VNIKTI” there are 2 subcommittees TK045:

  • PC 8 “Special railway rolling stock”

    Chairman of the subcommittee – Andrey Aleksandrovich Lunin, Ph.D., Deputy General Director for Scientific Work
    Secretary – Marina Viktorovna Nabatchikova, leading engineer


  • PC 15 “Reliability of hardware and software”
    Chairman of the subcommittee – Elena Evgenievna Belova, Ph.D., head of the scientific center for standardization and technical regulation methodology
    Secretary – Nadezhda Lvovna Smetskaya, leading engineer


Standardization documents

JSC “VNIKTI” is the developer of interstate and national standards in the field of railway transport download the list of standards developed by JSC “VNIKTI”

Send requests regarding the application of interstate and national standards from the list to e-mail

You can purchase a copy of the standardization document in paper or electronic form in the online store of standards of the Russian Institute of Standardization of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “RST” go to website

Currently, JSC “VNIKTI” is developing draft standardization documents:

Applications for receiving the first editions of the draft standardization documents being developed should be sent to e-mail