Scientific activity

Scientists of JSC “VNIKTI” are actively publishing in domestic and foreign periodicals, including those included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science, etc.

One of the key works in recent years is participation in the writing of monographs in the “Russian Security” series.

To improve their professional level, the institute’s specialists take an active part in scientific and technical seminars, conferences, and exhibitions.

Much attention is paid to replenishing the institute’s patent fund in Russia and leading foreign countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan, etc. For this, the institute subscribes to the official bulletin “Inventions. Utility Models”, abstract publication “Inventions of the Countries of the World”, publication Cispatent (with a complete description of patent documents of the CIS countries) on electronic media, which allows you to speed up the process of working with patent documents.

The presence of a patent fund at the institute, skills in working with patent electronic libraries of the USA, Germany, the Eurasian and European patent offices, as well as patent offices of the CIS countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc.) allow patent scientists and engineers to conduct patent searches on research topics and development work, patent research with determination of the technical level, development trends, patent purity of technical objects, to identify new technical solutions.